Friday, 1 June 2012

Bitch Post

I've hated this girl since orientation last year in February after we shook hands. I've never like you. My friends don't like you. I doubt even the lecturers like you. Let's call her Joanne. 

Joanne, had this fake, American accent. It's like those can instantly tell it's fake already one. The rite, she's those type that likes to sing and act even though she sucks at it (in my opinion lah). Seriously. like those "nyeh" type only. Not even the chun chun type. But she thinks she is lah. 

What I'm busy with right now is this theatre thingy, and I'm the person that provides food for all the actors. And SHE'S ONE OF THE ACTORS! And lemme tell you this, she acts like a frekkin diva and everything! She wants everyone to fuss about her. She wants to be the center of EVERYONE's attention. Just so you know, since her first semester about a year ago, her circle of friends revolves around this one girl, and thats it. I don't think she hangs out with anyone other than girl. (just sayin')

But yea... She's those over confident person. And you'd think, she would get her lines down like after the second day, cuz she likes to act and all.. But nooooo... she comes in early, sits and hangs around, and does absolutely nothing! NOTHING! DAFAK! I don't mind if you wanna hang around but you forgot your lines! FUCKERRRR!! THAT FUCKING BITCH! 

And hor,,, me and her got history one. Well.. only me lah. She damn whore one! Last semester, she just came up to my crush from the back and just lay a big fat smooch on his lips! She crossed the line! Like seriously! Thats one thing I will never forgive her! 

Plus, she's the type that gets all touchy and all with EVERYONE! My BFF also like freaked out by her and my BFF's a girl. Ohhh.. a fact. Joanne only has like 2 friends in my course. And she once complained to someone, which I overheard, that she thinks that people are avoiding her cause they feel terrified of her so called "talent". 


Oh yea... get back on topic. Today, I like literary shouted everyone to tick what they want for dinner and to tick it cause the minute I leave,  I will only return with the food. Cause I don't wanna walk all the way to the restaurant to buy and then walk all the way back to find that someone haven't tick their name for dinner. But yea.... So there was I, shouting to everyone to tick their name while she was just TALKING AND TALKING AND TALKING! BITCH! 

So yea. I thought she ticked and all. But NOOOOO!! I had to walk ALL THE WAY to the restaurant, order the food, wait for the food, walk back with the food, then find out that she haven't tick her name. So I had to walk ALL THE WAY back to the restaurant, WAIT FOR HER FOOD, WALK ALL THE WAY BACK WITH HER FOOD, just so she could have her dinner! THAT BITCH! 

Of course lah, I took revenge by spitting in her nasi goreng :) plus, I told the waiter to make it extra extra extra spicy. nyeheheheh NEVER MESS WITH ANYONE WHO HANDLES YOUR FOOD! 

Bitch Out! :) 


  1. what a bitch...

    but then, dont lah spit into her food... let her enjoy only... ops... haha

    1. She fucking bitch one! Almost everyone I know hates her!!! GRRRRR I damn garamm!

  2. so, this is like hate on the first sight =P hahahaa

  3. zomg! you seriously did that? hahahaha

    i hate those types of girls!

  4. omg so scary! cannot let u handle my food jor hahahaha xD

    But yeah, i know these kinda people... so self centered urgh~

    1. Whyyy? I so innocent :D HEHEHEHEH

      Yeaaa.. those people deserves a high five with a encyclopedia in the face.
