Tuesday 12 June 2012


I don't remember being this tired. Everyday, my schedule has been 

0545 - Wake Up
0800 - Class
0900 - Breakfast
1000 - Gym
1200 - Lunch
1500 - Class
1700 - Meetings
2000 - Dinner
2200 - Meeting
2230 - Go Home
2330 - Homework/Stone/Chores
0100 - Sleep

I don't remember a time where I actually stop and rest and have some alone time. I don't even have time to do wank watch all the movies I've downloaded. Plus, this university application thingy is killing me by stressing me out. I need to run here and there to get this document and that document. 

And, the last time I had a meal with my momma and poppa was 2 weeks ago. I am so sad. Everyday, I leave the house before the sun rises and only returns waaaaay after the sun sets. The only time I get to see my family is IF they stay up late, which they hardly do, or they tell me in advance that they want me home for dinner. AND! It's been about 2 months since I saw my grandma :( 

In addition to that schedule, I don't even think I'll have time to revise my work. And I'm taking subjects that people say you can score A in like that "snap". 

So yea. That's how my daily schedule is. And even my Saturdays and Sundays are quite hectic. But around last week, I got my hands on two tickets to Super GT in Sepang for Saturday and Sunday, I was so tired I gave them to my not so interested in GT parents. But I think they had fun while I just rot at home in the morning. I didn't know why, but I slept at 10pm the day before (Saturday) and I woke up at FREGGIN 6AM! God! I was sooooo tired. But thank god for LeoNut to keep me company :DD HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA 

But yea, I went out after that to do some work with some friends. We had an International Intern coming in from Hong Kong and apparently it's our duty to pick him up and show him a wonderful first day in Malaysia for his 1 and a half month stay in Malaysia. I ended up coming back home at 12.30am. Just great. So tired :( 

I would Bitch out, but I'm too tired. HAHAHA 


  1. Its good to be busy lo.. But yor.. have some time with your parents wei.. Go home for dinner few days a week la.. ><!

    1. Thats the thing! I wanna go home to my parents but I just don't have the time =(

  2. That baby's really cute!!! >.<

    1. Just so you know, I'm cuter =)

    2. Ooo... Is it? I need to see for myself first =P

    3. I'm really cute just so you know :DD *head getting hotter and hotter*

  3. Yeah, its good to be busy. Am too free...

    1. Not really =( I just found out I blindly scheduled myself to be at 3 places at once!!!! OMGGG!!!!!! I NEED TO SLEEPPPP!! =(((((

  4. 545!!??? wow, that is way too early..even though my work starts at 8, I still can wake up by 7..huhu

    make some time for u and family...block ur calendar once a week for that =)

    1. I know rite!! =( I miss having dinner with my family.
